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Here are endorsements from readers, one a retired superintendent of the Ontario Ministry of Correctional Services: 


"Author Stephen Lonsdale has ably and succinctly captured the stresses borne by Correctional Officers in his gripping semi-autobiographical book, Inside Looking Out. The book is based on the true events faced by the dedicated young men and women who like Mr. Lonsdale, accepted the responsibility to provide custodial care to the thousands of criminals who passed through one of Canada’s most dangerous prisons.

Mr. Lonsdale has chronicled the ravaging effects this work had on family relationships, the negative impacts of coping with a rotating shift schedule and most importantly, dealing with the traumatic events they encountered, alone, and often with devastating consequences for their personal lives; consequences that took many years to resolve. For some, resolution is still sought. 

Inside Looking Out is highly recommended for its insightful examination of the impact institutional correctional work has on a forgotten, yet essential, segment of the law enforcement community. Institution correctional work is one of extreme routine with its accompanying boredom, punctuated with an undercurrent of extreme tension. Inside Looking Out offers the reader a chance to experience that life along with the frustrations of not being understood by those outside the prison walls.

As a colleague of the author, I know that the events are true; the events were traumatic; and, the impacts of the events are still felt."

Ian Hadden

Superintendent (Retired)

Ministry of Correctional Services

Ontario, Canada



"When I read the book 'Inside Looking Out' it brought back memories and events that were stashed away decades ago. The description was accurate and vivid, as if I were standing right there. It also made me feel sad for the difficulties encountered by the narrator...'David Evans'. The last two words in the novel gave me a glimmer of hope which is all we really have."

Ola Bodnar 

Correctional Officer, retired.



"Take a journey into one man's story, from tragic adversity to triumphant victory, simply a must read."

Charles A. Yancey

former Corrections Officer in New Jersey


"I worked with Stephen at the TEDC ,it was a warrior Klingon era where no one spoke to you till you were proven in battle (codes, uses of force).  Stephen has written a nonfiction autobiography of his years as a Corrections Officer, the effects were life altering. His book is available through Inside Looking Out. I teared up often while reading it as it brought up many memories long forgotten, smells, people and attitudes.  I find Stephen's book very enlightening and emotional, Inside Looking Out should be a training manual for all in Corrections. I cant say enough but strongly suggest you order his book. After reading, please post comments in the comments section".


Dave Highley

Correctional Officer, still active with nearly 40 years service.



​I was interviewed for Becky Coles' special, SUFFERING IN SILENCE on NewsTalk1010. Many thanks to Becky for including corrections!


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